4th Stakeholder Event of the project in Poland

The LIFE BRINE MINING 4th Stakeholder Event took place at Poland. The meeting, which marked the final project event, held at the GIG premises, attracted a diverse audience, including policy makers, local government officials, representatives from the Polish Mining Group, members of the scientific community, and other key stakeholders. Prof ...
Final event of the LIFE BRINE-MINING project at Rhodes, Greece

Rhodes 2024 conference: the final event of the LIFE BRINE-MINING project with title “Demonstration of an advanced technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater (brines) combined with resource recovery”, aiming to enable the improvement of the saline wastewater management performance of coal mining activities by recovering useful and marketable materials as ...
LIFE Brine-Mining – A European project for the recovery of clean water and salts from coal mine wastewaters

The EU has been putting more and more money into generating power from renewable sources like sun, air, and water, with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions and a gradual shift away from consuming fossil fuels. However, coal remains an important raw material in Europe. Unlike brown coal, hard coal is ...
Technical Video: Presentation of the Pilot System in Katowice, Poland

The pilot system can treat 0.8 m3/h and is currently installed in the Zhemoveet coal mine that discharges to the Vistula river. The project aims to enable the improvement of the saline wastewater management performance of coal mining activities by recovering useful and marketable materials as water and salts. This ...
Participation in the LIFE HIDAQUA workshop

LIFE Brine-Mining attended the 2nd Workshop of the LIFE HIDAQUA project on November 13, 2023, which focused on “Wastewater and Waste Reuse Strategies in the Industry for Sustainable Wastewater Management Issues.” The workshop aimed to showcase advancements and outcomes across various projects dedicated to industrial waste and wastewater reuse. It ...
Visitors from Greece, Cyprus and England to the Katowice Pilot System – 23 November

Last day of the Open Site Visits to the LIFE BRINE-MINING Pilot System in Katowice, Poland. Valued stakeholders from Greece, Cyprus and England had the opportunity to see in action and ask the experts about the Innovative Prototype Desalination System which uses an advanced technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater ...
Ukrainian Universities and State Organisations visited our Prototype in Poland

New valued visitors, representing Ukrainian Universities, State Organisations and Embassies, visited the LIFE BRINE-MINING Innovative Prototype Desalination System which uses an advanced technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater combined with resource recovery. The Daily Open Day Site Visits to the Demo are taking place from 8 November to 23 November ...
Brine Mining participation in the Aquatech Exhibition

The Brine-Mining project was demonstrated in the Aquatech exhibition, in Amsterdam, from November 6 to 9, 2023, by a representative of the National Technical University of Athens! We were excited to share our knowledge on the treatment of coal mine wastewater with other innovative projects, and relative companies. The project ...