Participation in the LIFE HIDAQUA workshop

LIFE Brine-Mining attended the 2nd Workshop of the LIFE HIDAQUA project on November 13, 2023, which focused on “Wastewater and Waste Reuse Strategies in the Industry for Sustainable Wastewater Management Issues.” The workshop aimed to showcase advancements and outcomes across various projects dedicated to industrial waste and wastewater reuse. It also offered the opportunity for networking and sharing experiences among participants about the discussed topics. We sincerely thank LIFE HIDAQUA for the excellent organization of the workshop and we renew our presence for the next event!

Visitors from Greece, Cyprus and England to the Katowice Pilot System – 23 November

Last day of the Open Site Visits to the LIFE BRINE-MINING Pilot System in Katowice, Poland. Valued stakeholders from Greece, Cyprus and England had the opportunity to see in action and ask the experts about the Innovative Prototype Desalination System which uses an advanced technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater (brines) combined with resource recovery. The visit was supported by academics, experts and partners from the NTUA team, the SUT team, the PGG and NEVIS. Vivid discussion followed from the stakeholders and visitors that are representing the energy and engineering sector. The Daily Open Day Site Visits to the Demo

Ukrainian Universities and State Organisations visited our Prototype in Poland

New valued visitors, representing Ukrainian Universities, State Organisations and Embassies, visited the LIFE BRINE-MINING Innovative Prototype Desalination System which uses an advanced technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater combined with resource recovery. The Daily Open Day Site Visits to the Demo are taking place from 8 November to 23 November 2023 on the premises ponds in Oficerska street 43-143 Lędziny, Poland. For your attendance you are requested to pre register at:

Brine Mining participation in the Aquatech Exhibition

The Brine-Mining project was demonstrated in the Aquatech exhibition, in Amsterdam, from November 6 to 9, 2023, by a representative of the National Technical University of Athens! We were excited to share our knowledge on the treatment of coal mine wastewater with other innovative projects, and relative companies. The project was exhibited at the LIFE Stand (photos) and at the Circular Economy Pavillion! Thanks to everyone who visited our booth and showed interest in our project! We renew our visit for next year! LIFE Programme | CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency #environmental #project #innovation #mining #Aquatech

Daily Open Day Site Visits from 8/11/23-23/11/23

In light of the successful completion of LIFE BRINE MINING project (LIFE 18/ENVGR/00019) ( and particularly the installation of an Innovative Prototype Desalination System which uses an advanced technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater (brines) combined with resource recovery we are organising Daily Open Day Site Visits from 8/11/23-23/11/23 on premises ponds in Oficerska street 43-143 Lędziny, Poland. For your attendance you are requested to have previously registered at:

SUT students visit at the Brine-Mining site

In October 2023, students from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology, Poland, visited the LIFE Brine-Mining site in Lędziny, where they received in-depth training on cutting-edge membrane wastewater treatment technologies, and learned the operation of a pilot-scale system for coal mine wastewater treatment, in practice.

BRINE MINING 3rd Stakeholder Event in Poland

The LIFE BRINE MINING 3rd Stakeholder Event took place at Poland on October 3, 2023. A lively discussion is the characteristic of the 3rd Stakeholder event of LIFE BRINE-MINING, held at the GIG institute premises in Katowice, Poland. The meeting was attended by over 50 representatives from mining companies, ministries, and project beneficiaries. Dr. Grzegorz Gzyl addressed environmental issues associated with the coal mining process that the LIFE BRINE MINING system tackles, during his presentation at the 3rd Stakeholder event held at the GIG premises in Katowice, Poland. “The salinity persists after the cease of operation of coal mines. LIFE

Presentation of LIFE Brine-Mining at the 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Greece, June 21-24, 2023

LIFE Brine-Mining was presented by Prof. Loizidou from NTUA during the 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, held from June 21st to 24th, 2023, on Crete, Greece. The results of the pilot system performance exceeded expectations, demonstrating the successful recovery of clean water and high-purity salts from the treatment of highly saline coal mine wastewater.

Presentation of LIFE Brine-Mining at the 14th Conference for Membrane Technologies in Poland, June 21-23, 2023

Part of the LIFE Brine-Mining project results was presented by Dr. Krzysztof Mitko, Assistant Professor at the Silesian University of Technology, during the 14th Conference “Membranes and Membrane Processes in Environmental Protection” (MEMPEP 2023), held from June 21st to 24th, 2023. Dr. Mitko shared the results obtained from the combination of two membrane technologies, Electrodialysis and Reverse Osmosis, which are part of the Brine-Mining pilot system.

Video: An innovative solution for brine treatment with recovery of valuable end-products

Watch our project video to find out how LIFE BRINE MINING is transforming brines into resources and eliminates coal mining waste water discharge in circular economy context. Coal mines generate vast amounts of saline wastewaters. The direct drainage of these streams to surface water bodies results in their salinization, having a negative impact on their ecosystems. A surface water body exposed to excessive salinity is unsuitable for use in agricultural, municipal or industrial sectors, with adverse effects on the regional economy. LIFE Brine-Mining project aims in developing an innovative pilot system, which will treat coal mine brines and directly recover