Site visit with the participation of students

Students have visited the site as a part of the “Odzysk wody i innych surowców ze ścieków” (Recovery of water and other raw materials from waste water) class, which is part of the “Gospodarka obiegu zamkniętego” (Circular Economy) course offered by the Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering of SUT. The students were introduced to the environmental issues related to the coal mining waste water and the opportunities that the LIFE BRINE-MINING project offers in implementing the principles of circular economy. They received a short training in the unit operations available at the site. Related sub-action: D.2.5

3rd Consortium meeting in Athens, Greece

The LIFE BRINE-MINING 3rd Consortium meeting took place at the National Technical University of Athens library. The progress of the partner’s actions is being presented and co-organised (achievements, challenges, deliverables, milestones, future planning). Extensive discussion between NTUA, GIG and LENNTECH partners on existing transferability and replicabity potential of the BRINE MINING innovative technology.

2nd Stakeholder Consultation Event – June 23, 2022

On June 23, 2022, the 2nd Stakeholder Consultation Event of the project took place in Poland. Representatives from all the polish coal mine companies, public sector (ministries, water supply companies), and universities visited the LIFE Brine-Mining demonstration plant and got updated on the project progress, results, and benefits, such as the recovery of clean water from coal mine brines (environmental), the increase of a coal mine revenues from the exploitation of its coal mine wastewater (economic) and the creation of new job opportunities (social) from the project implementation. In total, 55 participants joined the event. Figure 1: The LIFE Brine-Mining

MED evaporator installation in the PGG Ziemowit mine and start-up of the pilot system – May 5, 2022

On May 5, 2022, one more part of the innovative system for the treatment of mining procedures saline effluents was transported to the LIFE Brine-Mining plant. The Multi Effect Distillation Evaporator was added to the project’s process train, in the town of Lędziny, in southern Poland, to recover clean water and concentrate NaCl solution. The Evaporator was connected to the other technologies and the first trials of the system’s operation were conducted! Technicians and members of the companies participating in the project (LENNTECH, THERMOSSOL, TITANSALT) and representatives of other project beneficiaries (GIG, SUT, NTUA, SEALEAU) were gathered at the site

Visits of interested parties’ executive members in the LIFE Brine- Mining process train installation – May 2022

At the beginning of May 2022, representatives of Photonwater, a well-known company in the water treatment field in the Czech Republic, of TAURON, an energy holding company in Poland, and of PGG, Poland’s biggest coal mining company, visited the LIFE Brine-Mining pilot system installation and attended the placement and connection of the MED evaporator technology with the rest technologies of the system. Members of the project consortium guided the visitors in the pilot plant and informed them on the proposed innovative technologies by the project, its expected results, and the feasibility of transferability in other sectors, besides coal mining. More

LIFE Brine-Mining Online Workshop on the Evaporation Technology – March 10, 2022

On March 10, 2022, the LIFE Brine-Mining workshop was successfully held online with the participation of Veolia, a transnational company with activities in water management, waste management, and energy security, THERMOSSOL, a company with expertise in constructing steam boilers, the Silesian University of Technology in Poland, and inspiring European projects promoting fresh ideas on wastewater treatment and water purification: LIFE REMINE WATER, LIFE DESIROWS, and WATER MINING HORIZON. Representatives from the above-mentioned companies, institutes, and projects presented their works on the evaporation technologies for wastewater minimization! In total, 33 people attended the workshop. Among the participants were members of the