On June 23, 2022, the 2nd Stakeholder Consultation Event of the project took place in Poland. Representatives from all the polish coal mine companies, public sector (ministries, water supply companies), and universities visited the LIFE Brine-Mining demonstration plant and got updated on the project progress, results, and benefits, such as the recovery of clean water from coal mine brines (environmental), the increase of a coal mine revenues from the exploitation of its coal mine wastewater (economic) and the creation of new job opportunities (social) from the project implementation. In total, 55 participants joined the event.

Figure 1: The LIFE Brine-Mining consortium and the Stakeholders of the project during the site visit for the demonstration of the pilot system by the pilot plant operators

Figure 2: The LIFE Brine-Mining 2nd Stakeholder Consultation Event took place in the premises of the Ziemowit mine, owned by PGG, in Poland

Figure 3: Dr. Grzegorz Gzyl, Assistant Professor, and Dr. Anna Skalny, Environmental Management Specialist, both from the Central Mining Institute (GIG), Poland

Figure 4: Mr. Bogdan Wawro, the Vice-Director of Operational and Technological Restructuring Bureau of PGG, Poland

Figure 5: Prof. Loizidou, Coordinator of the LIFE Brine-Mining project, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Figure 6: Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos, Innovation Manager of the LIFE Brine-Mining project and CEO of SEALEAU, Netherlands

Figure 7: Dr. Niels van Linden, the R&D coordinator of LENNTECH, Netherlands

Figure 8: Miss Christina Xenogianni, Managing Director of THERMOSSOL, Greece

Figure 9: Miss Dionysia Diamantidou, Process and R&D engineer of LENNTECH, Netherlands

Figure 10: The project’s Stakeholders and members of the LIFE Brine-Mining consortium in the pilot system plant

Figure 11: Dr. Krzysztof Mitko, Assistant Professor at the Silesian University of Technology (SUT), Poland, demonstrating the pilot system to the project’s Stakeholders

Figure 12: Demonstration of the LIFE Brine-Mining pilot system to the project’s Stakeholders

Figure 13: Location of the LIFE Brine-Mining pilot system plant, in the area of the Ziemowit mine, in Poland